etoy.HISTORY-FILE: 24-06-06


Hiring finance talent

By invitation of our new finance agent etoy.BALMER, the agent gathered at the lake of Neuchâtel for the annual meeting. An old villa from the dark past of Switzerland’s colonial history hosts artists today, on a secluded strip of land just minutes away from the water.

The agents discussed funding and planned to raise more government funds in the near future. Ultimately, etoy did secure funding from most of the sources discussed in La Corbière only to learn that we are not even close to fitting official categories: neither single artist, nor theater group. Despite limited success, the frustration continued to grow and an insecure financial situation keeps haunting all of etoy’s ventures, before and after this meeting. From a management perspective, La Corbière was instrumental for our attempt at bringing in new talent with fund raising skills. We failed repeatedly, despite the close friendships that frequently developed with individuals brought in to help on the financial side. As with many other companies, not even to mention political campaigns, fund raising needs to be located as close as possible to top management.