etoy.HISTORY-FILE: 28-02-98


RELEASE: the book "etoy - CYBERTERRORISMO" by nico piro

<<< A company that sells bit. Bit of music, bit of slogan but also bit poisoned >>> ["etoy-CYBERTERRORISMO" - nico piro, translated by alta vista]

the release of the italian book etoy - cyberterrorismo" (the first official book about the etoy.CORPORATION published in the third year of operation) by nico piro caused another hype - especially in italy and on the stock market: the etoy.SHARE-VALUE started to climb.

the book is about etoy and the etoy.CREW, the actions, the history of the organization etoy, pop-theoretical background and etoy's impact on today's culture: from virilio, heavens gate, kevin mitnick, the CIA investigation and about our international business relationships to the hyper success all around our super globe...

title: etoy "CYBERTERRORISMO" (come si organizza un rapimento virtuale)

publisher: castelvecchi, rome/italy
writer: nico piro
ISBN 88-8210-049-0 Price: L 18.000