etoy.HISTORY-FILE: 10-04-06



MISSION ETERNITY under critical review by experts

etoy performs a critical mission check. experts will x-ray MISSION ETERNITY - the electronic framework which enables users to travel space and time forever. Four days later TESTPILOT No.1, Sepp Keiser (age 82) will be ready for ENCAPSULATION TEST No.4 (Karfreitag, April 14 2006). Three previous tests failed due to logistic, financial or technical problems. The mission is in danger.

MISSION CHECK No.1: Monday April 10, 2006 / START: 18:30:00
ENCAPSULATION No.4: Friday April 14, 2006 / START: 16:00:00
LOCATION: Kunstraum Walcheturm -> Kanonengase 20, 8004 Zurich.

Mission check and encapsulation are public events and can be followed for an investement of 2 CHF (9 etoy.FIZZLES = 0,18 etoy.SHARE). etoy.CORPORATION rejects passive culture tourists who do not share the risk and passion for radical contemporary art (as usual: etoy wants your knowledge, soul and capital). In return for your investment, MISSION ETERNITY CONTENT enters the public domain* and all code is 100% open source - a fair deal and a reasonable alternative to the established art market.

Local art and technology experts as well as the public searched look for weak points in the MISSION ETERNITY PLAN and provided feedback.