8.6.2005 14:35 CET
international ISO standards the mobile etoy.CARGO-TANK plugged seamlessly on PLATOON's working and recreation containers (including coding, administration, management and swimming pool tanks). special thanks to our plug & pray partners from PLATOON)
a 5 months berlin residency & etoy.PRODUCTION-PERIOD will be kicked off with the participation of two etoy.ARCHITECTS in "Worlds out of Containers / Workshop on the Power of Containerisation" (http://www2.hu-berlin.de/gewalt/container/), Volksbühne, Berlin. etoy.GRAMAZIO & etoy.MIR
18.6.2005 21.00 - 00.00 CET
CONTAINER SIGHTSEEING: etoy.TANK meets PLATOON container system. Drinks and tours for workshop participants and etoy.SHAREHOLDERS (etoy.CARD required). Special guests: FUR (the creators of the PAIN STATION)
3.7.2005 17.00 CET
public podium by PRODUKT & VISION at Kunstfabrik (http://www.kunstfabrik.org): social responsibility as survival strategy? etoy.AGENT present.
23.7.2005 18.00 open end CET
etoy and platoon FRIENDLY FIRE party. details to be announced.
9.9. - 9.10.2005
exhibition PRODUKT & VISION with participation of etoy.